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Or contact the artist at ginny@gtompkins.com.
Ginny Tompkins A
Retrospective ISBN:0-9772620-090000 9 x 12 inches 128 pages; 101 color plates
In addition to 101 beautiful color plates of paintings by Ginny Tompkins contained in this book, author France-Marie Haeger, PhD, illuminates the images with archetypal depth. Her commentary on Ginny’s Continuum Series melds a profound understanding of analytical psychology with an unpretentious yet scholarly art critique that carries the reader on a journey of awakening through the transformational imagery of Ginny’s paintings. Drawing from her own experience as an artist and knowledge of various traditions, most notably Jungian symbolism, plus many years of instructing college and university level Art and Art Therapy courses, France-Marie’s review fulfills her professional aim of “opening doors to a new way of seeing and bringing forth creativity in each individual.” Her clear descriptions of the universal symbolism contained in Ginny’s use of color and form provide the reader with insights that assist collective knowledge to emerge into consciousness. Indeed, the text in this book brought into light facets that had previously been hidden from the artist many years after the paint had dried on her canvas. Ginny states that France-Marie "saw connections in my work that reflected my life when I had sensed no parallel.” Acrylic
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